Thursday, March 13, 2008

Puttering along

First of all, I want to thank all of you who commented on my last post. Sorry I'm so long getting back to my blogging and responding to you. Why is it so hard sometimes to get down to it? Why does life have to be so complex sometimes? - actually, most of the time.

In a week and a half I'll be seeing my psychiatrist. I'm thinking of what I'll be telling him when I fill him in on the three months since I last saw him and I can see life HAS been very complex for me: helping my mother-in-law live her last days (and all that needs to be done when someone dies), my tv appearance (resulting in contacts from people far and wide), my best friend leaving town for two months (resulting in high anxiety and threat of depression), giving support to a suicidal friend, and large turnouts to Living Room meetings. Many mood altering events.

I don't have anything wise to say today. Just want to ramble a bit. Just need to talk about a bunch of nothings.

One thing I do want to tell you is that my publisher has promised to look at my book proposal by the end of this week. I'm scared. What if they decide it's not suitable for their list? I'm running out of options.

A Firm Place to Stand: Finding Meaning in a Life with Bipolar Disorder
is a much richer book than Riding the Roller Coaster. It was written by a more spiritually mature me. I wrote it to help Christians understand that it's possible to be a faithful Christian and yet have a mental illness. I wrote it to help Christians understand better so they could learn how to be supportive. I wrote it to dispel some of the stigma in the Christian community.

A Firm Place to Stand is important in the work I'm doing. If you are a person who prays, please pray that my publisher will make a favorable decision.

I got up at 3:30 this morning. Could not sleep any more. Nothing bothering me, I just want to get going on the day. I have lots to do in preparation for Living Room tomorrow. Buy some groceries for lunch, photocopy the handouts, call some of the members, go for a workout, clean a very messy house, answer some emails, blog. But this is a day I'm looking forward to. Tomorrow is a day I'm looking forward to. I have some neat stuff to bring to the table for discussion: "How do you find meaning when you're in pain?" and "How can we prepare for the depressions that we know will invariably return?"

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
(This is something I start the day with when I'm high. But no, I'm not high today.)


Nancie said...

Dear Marja,

Just to let you know that I am praying for you. May God continue to give you grace and strength to serve Him. Encouraging to see you pressing on despite your condition and still thinking of helping others. May God bless and enable you.

Looking forward to read your book when it is out. Praying with you that the publisher will make a favorable decision. Take care.

Praying with and for you,

Unknown said...

It appears many of us are feeling the same. I am home sick this week and in a crabby mood.

Remember God's grace and He is always there no matter how we feel.


Anonymous said...

Praying for your publisher to see the light! Can't wait to read the book or see the movie! LOL

God's love and joy be on you today!


sbwrites said...
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marja said...

Thank you, Nancie, Jim, Angie, and Susan for your well wishes and prayers. Angie, I had never thought of a movie. What a great idea :>)