I'm so delighted about what happened on Sunday May 12th. Two churches featured people speaking about their mental health problems.
Please do take some time to listen:
At Emmanuel Baptist Church in Victoria, some
members of Living Room shared their journeys of faith and mental illness. Pastor
Joan Dosso brought a meditation on transformation from woundedness and
stigmatization to finding our identity as God’s Beloved. To listen to the
podcast, go here.
On that same day, Anessa Simpson from Brentwood
Park Alliance Church in Burnaby shared the story about her journey with
depression and anxiety. You can listen to her story as well, at this link
So good to know that churches are gradually
becoming safe places to talk openly about our mental health
I hope this news makes you as happy as it made me.
I hope you will be inspired by these courageous individuals.
A reminder: If you'd like to receive the Reflections on Scripture that I send out every Monday, please go to the Homepage of the Living Room website and sign up. You can unsubscribe at any time.
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