Saturday, December 01, 2007

Advent is upon us

This morning, over my wonderful first cups of coffee of the day, always a time to mull things over, I thought of how I would like to invite all my friends who believe in Jesus but aren't presently going to church - to think about attending church this advent season.

There's so much stuff connected to Christmas now-a-days that really doesn't have anything to do with the coming of our Lord. So much tends to drag us down instead of lifting us up: the pressures of buying gifts, the pressures to live up to traditions that might actually bring painful memories. If we could only reduce some of these pressures and remember what this season is truly about!

At church over the next few weeks I hope to be reminded why Jesus came to live amongst us. I want to be reminded of how he came to give us abundant life - how he showed us what God's love is really like. When Jesus walked the earth he performed miracles and he still does. Believing in Jesus and following his example has the power to transform lives. We can find meaning; we can find healing. I know this is what happened for me. I have been transformed and that is a miracle.

True Christmas is far removed from the glitter, the noise and the materialism attacking us right now. True Christmas should bring a sense of peace and well-being. So please go worship this season and celebrate what Christmas truly is - a story of love and grace.


Anonymous said...

Hi Marja,
I just left a long blog post on your blog "somewhat supercalifragilitic". I'm new to your site and I really need some advice.

"Down and Out in South Carolina"

marja said...

Dear "Down and Out", I can understand the pain you're feeling right now and hope to give you some kind of response, though I don't know whether I can give advice. Tomorrow or the day after I will try and address your problem in a post of its own. Many bipolars come to this site. Maybe others will be able to help as well.

Meanwhile, hang in there. I'm sure your mother-in-law does not mean to hurt you. Please try to not take her comments too seriously. You sound like a great daughter-in-law for her.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marja, New to your blog. Enjoy reading about spirituality when there is so much crap out there in blog world.

I have not read your book, but from reading your blogs, I kinda get the feel of it.

I am a writer too, though nothing in print since 1968. Christian since I was 6 years old (came into understanding). MSer since 1976.

Anyway, nice posts, thanks for sharing. Stop by my blog if you have a chance. I posted a timely poem about the reason for the season- I did not write it; the author is unknown.
