Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Thank you!

I thank everyone who commented on my last post. It's so good to have people out there who care and who understand the roller coaster existence we are forced to live out. I'm very encouraged.

I think I've now stabilized and won't have to push forward the doctor's appointment I have in a couple of weeks. I feel good when I can go through a busy time - a bit of a destabilizing time - and yet stay on top - even though it IS a struggle. It feels good to know that I'll be able to see my doctor and fill him in on the many things I've been doing and experiencing and to be able to tell him I survived in spite of it.

What really helps is that I lead a varied life. I don't get much chance to get bored. Being busy really helps. On Monday my husband and I spent most of the day looking after his 95-year-old mom. She needed to go to the eye doctor and do some shopping. Then we took her out for lunch. Today we went to my 92-year-old mom to take HER to the doctor, take her shopping and out for lunch. Tomorrow I'll go for a walk with a friend who is going through a bit of a rough time. The talking we do will do both of us good. I'll also get ready for the ladies' Bible study meeting at my house Friday morning.

I work on photographs and I work on my latest book (though I think I should focus a lot more on that than I'm doing right now). I go to Curves, camera club, a writer's workshop, church and Bible study.

So, my life is: A bit of time at home, at bit of time out. A bit of time doing things for others, a bit of time doing things for myself. A bit of time doing chores, and a bit of time doing creative things. A bit of active time, and a bit of quiet time. Reading and writing. Eating and feeding. Thinking and speaking. Giving and receiving.

It's all about balance isn't it? Especially for us bipolars! How much can we actually do for ourselves to keep ourselves well? To what extent is how we live our life and the attitudes we bring to it, responsible for how well we do?

I know one thing, though. I could not even begin to live as normal a life as I do without medication. I have not always been as well as I am now-a-days. This wellness is something I will never take for granted. It is the most valuable thing I have. I thank God for it and pray that I will use it well.


Anonymous said...

Hi Marja,

I am really happy to read your update. I was just praying for you this morning. are right, life is all about balance...and then, for us bipolars, it can get tricky when our neurotransmitters are inclined to fire off here and there at a rate that will just...throw us off balance.

That is where I say, Thank God for GOD!!!!!!!!!! And for friends who can protect us (know when we really are getting too off balance)...and, I am finding, on my meds---I swing a little off balance, but, I don't go too high or too low (thank you Lord)...

I am so glad you feel better.

In His love!!

Bleeding Heart said...

"So, my life is: A bit of time at home, at bit of time out. A bit of time doing things for others, a bit of time doing things for myself. A bit of time doing chores, and a bit of time doing creative things. A bit of active time, and a bit of quiet time. Reading and writing. Eating and feeding. Thinking and speaking. Giving and receiving."

That is the truth!! It is all about balance and it sounds very rich indeed!

chalexa said...

sometimes i think balance and bipolar is an oxymoron.

Dreaming again said...

Hi Marja, I just wanted to say hi ... I found you through my friend Wanda's blog (Wanda's Wings)

I'm looking forward to getting to know you through your blog.

marja said...

Amateur dancer: Thank you very much for your prayers.

Dream writer: Yes, a balanced life is a rich life.

Chalexa: You're right. Although I'm trying to live a balanced life, rich as it is, I can't seem to avoid moodswings. (you'll see as you read my next post that I hope to publish later today)

Dreaming again: A warm welcome to my blog. I look forward to reading yours as well.