Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Living Room groups needed

I don't usually use this blog as a bulletin board, but feel I'd like to try it out as such, just for a couple of brief items. Eventually the Living Room website will have information like this, but it will take time.

I received an email a while ago from someone in Calgary, Alberta, who would like to start a group if she could find someone likeminded to work with her. Are you in Calgary?

We have also had lots of requests from people in Surrey, British Columbia, needing a group. Is there anyone out there who would consider starting a group there?

How about you? Are you interested in starting a group in your community? There's a huge need.

Living Room offers a safe place in a Christian setting for people with depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorders to meet and find out they're not alone. It is a community of people who want to make God part of their lives and a source of healing, while recognizing the medical basis for their disorder.

Feel free to email me at if you think you might be interested.

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