Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Compassionate people?

I'm always angered when I hear stories of "un-compassion" amongst Christians, especially when it is focused on people with mental health problems. Hearing another one today motivated me to write this. I've been wanting to write about love; this is a good time.

For the most part, Christians are a pretty compassionate bunch. They believe in following Jesus' teachings to love your neighbor. And many - probably most - Christians do a good job of that.

But, there are far too many who do forget - especially when they're faced with someone who doesn't fit in with their own familiar circle. They have a hard time accepting someone they don't understand, and they're slow in taking the trouble to learn to understand. They are quick to judge, and slow to show compassion.

Those who believe in the Bible need to take to heart Jesus's words in Matthew 25:35-40:

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me....whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mind, you did for me."

If you are a follower of Christ, please learn what causes the suffering of those many of us who live with mental illness. Please try to understand us and realize that we need your acceptance and love in the same way everyone does.

That lonely person in the pew who looks so unfriendly and unapproachable might need some relief from her aloneness. A friendly smile and warm handshake may be just what she needs to restore her.

May the love of God live in us and flow out to others.


Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled you're back. It will take me a while to respond to posts since I'm job-hunting so pray for me.

You see, most of my Christian blog focuses on suffering. What God's had to say about it.

I have a friend who came over (a christian) and asked me how I felt over the whole situation.

It's difficult to explain how in laughter there may be tears but I guess she could SEE it.

They SEE it in me. They know me, they know my story and they know that I stumble but I'm always clinging and hoping I'll always have faith in God.

Thanks for writing this.

(BTW this doesnt really relate to THIS post but the one before.. )

I'm just glad you're back.
Love you.

Anonymous said...

hi marja,

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! you and your prayers are carrying me.


Anonymous said...

Marja! I missed you! Your thoughts are so inspirational when one is having a down day. :)

Anonymous said...


marja said...

Sarah: I'm so glad we're both back. Happy job hunting.

Thanks, Dancer, Tay, and jumpinginpuddles for your comments. So good hearing from you.