Saturday, April 11, 2009

Activity is the answer

Seems I'm not in a serious enough way that I can't get myself doing things. And when I get into an activity I quickly start feeling better. Thank God!

My husband and I have continued our spring cleaning. We're - actually he is more than me - really into it. This house was truly a huge mess. We've felt for such a long time that we need to work on tidying it up. What if we died? My poor son would have quite a time of it. That's something we do need to consider, isn't it?

Today I finished cleaning up the counter in the darkroom and emailed a couple of people who want to buy darkroom equipment. I'm sure I won't be using it anymore since I print everything digitally now.

So...I've found out I need to putter at activities - yet not so much that I wear myself out too much. I'm so fragile right now. But putter I will. We've rented some movies and I look forward to watching "Doubt" tonight. Heard that it's good. Now I will make some cinnamon rolls from a kit I got at Costco. That will make my hard-working husband happy. Another good coping skill: Do something for others - be other-centered.


Nicky said...

Hi, what I do when I feel the need to potter is do 20 mins of tidying etc followed by 20 mins of a coffee/read/computer. Then back up for another 20 mins. This way I am constantly occupied but not exhasuting myself. in the break times i find myself planning the next work 20 mins effectively to get the most of out that time. Maybe try it? :)


marja said...

Hi Bladey. Yes, that's an excellent idea, one I have often used. Work and then reward myself. It keeps you going.