Wednesday, February 01, 2012


I've been feeling so frustrated about the tremors the lithium are causing me. How can I do the candid child photography I so much love to do?

And I have a dream:

At Missions Fest I met Marie Ens, the missionary in Cambodia who started Place of Rescue. This is an orphanage for children of parents who died from Aids. She started this ministry in her senior years and it is truly amazing what she has done.

My dream is to visit her and document her work with photographs. How I would love to do a photo story of Place of Rescue. It would be so very much the kind of work I'm good at...if I didn't have the tremors.

However, my mood is stabilizing. I've become far better organized. I'm feeling more normal emotionally. And that is something to be grateful for. And I AM very grateful.

With more stable moods I'll be able to work better for Living Room, and that - right now - is probably a more important work for me than photographing children. Maybe I should accept and welcome this time in my life as a season to work for Living Room. And maybe - some time in the future - we can work at getting me off the meds that are causing the tremors. Maybe - some time in the future - it will be safe to change meds again.

There is a season for everything.

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