Saturday, May 09, 2009

Building - carving

I was thinking tonight of how much I love to make things happen. To build something that hasn't been built before. To carve something beautiful.

And I'm thinking, I AM building something. I AM carving something. And if I can keep my mood up like it is tonight, it WILL be beautiful.

I completed a Living Room brochure and have high hopes for it doing a lot of good. So many places we could put it. So informative it would be for people wanting to know more.

Now I just have to find a way of printing it. It's in colour and I realized today it would cost a fortune to print. Like 65 - 70 cents a piece!!! What did I do designing such a thing? Why didn't I think of printing costs? Uggh!

But I will find a way, even if I have to print them all myself, using my printer at home - s-l-o-w.

I've been stable for several days now and I'm hoping I'll stay here for awhile now. I want to keep building and carving and shaping. How much difference a good mood can make to one's life!!!


sbwrites said...

What a lovely post! Yes, "you are building," and congrats on the brochure. And, Happy Mother's Day!

P.S. Glad to hear you're feeling better!

marja said...

Thanks, Susan. And a happy Mother's Day to you as well.

Wendy Love said...

Oh, I know that wonderful feeling too! Your choice of words 'carving' make it even more significant. The idea of 'carving' is not a fleeting image of and idea that comes and goes. It is an image of timeless significance, and that is what I believe the significance is of the work you are doing with 'Living Room'.
Wendy Love

marja said...

Thanks, Wendy. Yes, I truly feel it's like carving. Let's pray I stay well enough to continue the work, or have people to take over when I'm no longer able. That's always my worry.